Sunday, March 20, 2011

Seven Power Principles I Didn't Learn in Seminary- C. Peter Wagner

Review by Michael Garrett of WAIO 3-19-11

This book is a great and excellent read. Knowing that we have a great call on our lives, and when we recognize that call or that we can't settle for the norm, we have a different spirit. Like Caleb (Numbers 14:24), we see things from the "BIG" picture: God's Vision, God's Will and God's will for the people and for ourselves. And we will draw from that Vision, establish our mindset and live within that vision and walk that vision out in our lives.

When we become a part of that picture, we paint (or allow God to create) that picture in the world around us. The world around us becomes a 'canvas' on which we that we paint the Will of God.
This book is about the power of God and how it works - ask Michael Garrett to tell you how it impacted his life!

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