Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Daniel Fast by Susan Gregory

Susan Gregory not only discusses why we should fast, or how we should fast, but she gives us nearly 1/2 a book on recipes and preparation! - Recipes that are easy and tasty, too!

Giving up activities is great, as long as you 'realize that giving up specific activites is not a replacement for a true fast'. Fasting always has to do with your spiritual life.

Now, if you do happen to mess up a little bit, forgive yourself, pray and get back on the fast! As a corporate body, we can and WILL see powerful, supernatural events come from it!

If you've read "Return to Simplicity" by Chuck and Pam Pierce, simplify your eating - fasting IS about food - by cutting out all fried foods, caffeine, sugar, sugar substitutes, animal fats, etc. Gregory is specific about the foods and shows you how to do shop, prepare and execute! She also guides you after the fast is over by not 'gorging' on the foods you have given up for 21 days.

Why 21 days? As Pastor Kent told us this morning (March 13), from March 28 - Passover Sunday is exactly 21 days. Then get ready...get ready for breakthroughs, spiritual gifts, hightened senses, uplifted spirit man, more freedom.

In Chapter 5, the author gives us five steps for a successful Daniel Fast: Pray, Plan, Prepare, Participate, and finally, Praise and Process! So pre-pack your lunch and get going!!

Ms. Gregory tells us about persons of the Bible and how they fasted: Daniel, Joshua, Moses, Anna....

On the back cover, Ms. Gregory states, "sometimes you're so hungry that the only way you can be fed is to fast'. Great words...can you do it??

Happy (non) eating - grab a bowl of oatmeal with dried cranberries, apple chunks and soy milk......until next time!


  1. Just think, you may find the 21-Day Fast introduces you to a new food, a new way of eating, a lighter side of life AND a few pounds lighter! Fill yourself with spiritual food.

  2. Today, Day 1 on the Daniel Fast: bananas and whole grain cereal with rice milk; grapes, black bean, onion, celery and tomato soup (awesome), celery with peanut butter and a half of a whole wheat burrito with black beans. Exodus reading for today about deliverance. Blessings to you today!

  3. Have you had your bean burger yet? It is SO good! :)
