Monday, September 5, 2011

NOT a Fan by Kyle Idleman

Kyle Idleman took me on a journey - about fans and followers. Nicodemus was a fan, then a follower. The prostitute who washed Jesus' feet with her tears and dried his feet with her hair was a follower. She was committed. What are you?
Is He one of many or your one and only? Do you have your Jesus pin, a fish decal on the back of our car, your Bible in one hand and a colored pencil or highlighter in another? Are you a church goer or a participant? Idleman poses lots of thought-provoking questions and gives wonderful examples of followers and fans.
Not a Fan is about who Jesus is; it's about DTR - Determining the Relationship! Are you following Jesus or following the rules? Ouch.
Read about true followers in Matthew. Read about how we can become totally committed and not just a follower. Not a Fan helps you define your relationship with Jesus.
There are great examples of those that are not fans. Short stories about followers grip you and grab you.
Kent will be talking alot about this work by Idleman in the weeks to come. And we'll all be studying it in our small groups. Pick up a copy today in the Connection Bookstore!

Happy Reading...

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