Sunday, May 29, 2011

"The Traveler's Gift" by Andy Andrews

Andrew's book, "The Traveler's Gift," was actually written before "The Noticer" reviewed earlier. This book, to me anyway, is about awesome, God-given hope. The story is about our participation in God's plan for our seek every day His guidance and to be proactive in that search.

It's about God's purpose and plan for your life, no matter what has happened to you in the past or your present. Your future is always better than your present and your past all combined! David Ponder enters another dimension...he spends time with Harry Truman, Anne Frank, Abe Lincoln, Solomon...can you just imagine the impact on your life if you were able to speak to these icons of history? We can learn so much from their wisdom.

"The Traveler's Gift" is a New York Bestseller. OK, I'll buy that. The cover says it is a self-help fiction book. HAHAHA. I find that hysterical...self-help. When I help myself I really get it screwed up! Read it. Be enlightened. Be free.

Then go ahead and read "The Noticer."

Later, readers...KLD

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