Sunday, May 29, 2011

"The Traveler's Gift" by Andy Andrews

Andrew's book, "The Traveler's Gift," was actually written before "The Noticer" reviewed earlier. This book, to me anyway, is about awesome, God-given hope. The story is about our participation in God's plan for our seek every day His guidance and to be proactive in that search.

It's about God's purpose and plan for your life, no matter what has happened to you in the past or your present. Your future is always better than your present and your past all combined! David Ponder enters another dimension...he spends time with Harry Truman, Anne Frank, Abe Lincoln, Solomon...can you just imagine the impact on your life if you were able to speak to these icons of history? We can learn so much from their wisdom.

"The Traveler's Gift" is a New York Bestseller. OK, I'll buy that. The cover says it is a self-help fiction book. HAHAHA. I find that hysterical...self-help. When I help myself I really get it screwed up! Read it. Be enlightened. Be free.

Then go ahead and read "The Noticer."

Later, readers...KLD

"Forgotten God" - Kent's latest message on the Holy Spirit

"When we forget about the Holy Spirit, we forget about God!"

Kent will be focusing on this book - available in your Connection Bookstore NOW! Only $11.99 - and on the Holy Spirit.

When I first heard about the Holy Spirit, it was Pastor Kent who preached something like this: “On a corner, somewhere, one day there was the Father, Son and Holy Spirit…and you were there.” Wow, that really fired me up. I wanted to know who was this Holy Spirit? Did I have Him living in me, too? Was he accessible to me? Then Pastor Bill spoke one Sunday morning and he said, “The Holy Spirit knows everything!” Now that got me thinking…hmmmm….you mean I can call on the Holy Spirit for answers? You betcha!!!

Now Francis Chan brings truth to us in “Forgotten God: Reversing our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit.” He brings truth through the scriptures. But we all know our Christian life is only made full by the revelation we receive from reading scripture. After all, the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible, now didn’t He?

I heard about the Holy Ghost in the Methodist church. Didn’t have a clue who that was. I know it was part of the Holy Trinity, but what did I know about it? Was it accessible to me? Was it scary? Would He see things in me that I didn’t want anyone else to see? Now I know that transparency is the key to letting go of your garbage; the Holy Spirit will show you - gently - what you need to dump!

Chan says, “Reading this book probably won’t be easy. No matter what religious tradition you come from, you likely carry baggage and harbor stereotypes when it comes to the Holy Spirit. It’s going to require laying aside your baggage and stereotypes so you can be open to what God wants to teach you."

Learn more about how the Holy Spirit moves and God gets all the glory. How much evidence of the Holy Spirit do you see in your church? Think about it.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Secrets of the Vine by Jessica F. (bookstore volunteer)

Read Jessica's review of "Secrets of the Vine."
If you are looking for a way to decipher how God is working in you, read "Secret's of the Vine," by Bruce Wilkinson. Throughout his book, you will find out how and why God disciplines and prunes us. This book explains what actions we need to take in order to receive the fruitfulness God has called to our lives.
It starts out talking about how Christians produce little or no fruit in their lives and the steps Christians can take to not only be a fruitful Christian, but a Christian who has an intimate relationship with God.
This book is a "must read" if you are looking for a life of abundance.

Monday, May 2, 2011

"Beyond Jabez" by Bruce Wilkinson

Get your copy now in the Connection Bookstore so you can follow along with Pastor Kent as he continues to deliver powerful messages on the prayer of Jabez and how it can impact your life forever!
1 Chronicles 4:10 (Message)

Jabez was a better man than his brothers, a man of honor. His mother had named him Jabez (Oh, the pain!), saying, "A painful birth! I bore him in great pain!" Jabez prayed to the God of Israel: "Bless Me, oh bless me. Give me land, large tracts of land. And provide your personal protection--don't let evil hurt me."

God gave him what he asked.

Pray this every day! Be blessed---as you ARE blessed.

"Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith" by Ron Bell

Coming soon! A review on one of Kent's favorite books, Velvet Elvis

God doesn't change, but times do. Read about how Ron Bell discusses 'how the Christian faith has changed. How Jesus took part in the process by calling people to rethink faith - and love and hope and the Bible and everyting else by inviting them into the endless process of working out how to live as God created us to live.'

Sounds really, good!