Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grace of God by Andy Stanley

"Grace of God' - There are alot of books about Grace, true. But this one talks about 'how we don't deserve it. We can't earn it. It can't be qualified. But God gives it to us anyway because he loves us unconditonally'. Grace didn't begin with Abraham, it didn't even begin with Moses! It certainly didn't BEGIN when Christ died for us - of course to me that's ultimate grace - it began long before the world was formed. Andy Stanley tells 'grace' stories from the Bible - about Joseph and Judah, about the ten commandments, about Joshua, Rahab, Leban, Adam and Eve, the woman at the well...the list goes on. I love this statement in his chapter on Sustained by Grace: 'Fortunately for those of us who have been given much and are thus responsible for much, there is much grace.' Ahh, isn't that a breath of fresh air to the soul?!
After Jesus talks with the woman at the well and Andy Stanley talks about how Jesus opened the woman up and showed her vulnerability, Stanley states, 'Apparently Jesus knew that for the exchange to be complete, He had to dredge up all the old so that it could be replaced once and for all".

Here's a little taste of this great book of stories about hope and the thirst our soul was designed to thirst for: a relationship.

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