Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Soul Print" by Mark Batterson

Your soul print is the truest reflection of God's image. It's your true identity, true destiny...and it is so multidimensional! It is who I was, who I am, and who I am becoming. It contains past, present and future.

Batterson says, "Maybe it's time to quit taking the credit so you can stop taking the blame." Maybe it's time to quit proving yourself to people and start proving yourself to God. Maybe it's time to stop building monuments to self and start building altars to God."

God is your almighty advocate! He created you for a purpose! What is YOUR soul print?

Get Soul Print today at the Word Alive Bookstore!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"Through it All...God Was There" - A Review

by Women of God

Have you ever been asked for a divorce after many years of marriage? Have you ever been told you have cancer? Have you ever been involved in a car accident and lost your mother and your sibling? Have you ever been in such a pit of despair so deep that you could barely even whisper the Name of Jesus?

Have you ever felt like Jesus was the only friend you had? Have you ever been abused so badly that all you could do in public was look down at the floor and hope no one would notice you? Have you ever held a Vacation Bible School on your carport? Did you grow up in a dysfunctional family? Have you ever had a child that died? Has the Lord ever told you to do something way out of your comfort zone, and you did it out of sheer obedience rather than sacrifice?

If you can answer a resounding yes to any of these questions, then Through It All...God was There needs to be added to your bookshelf! This collaborative work was written by a group of authors from our area. All of the authors are in a group called Women of God. Women of God is a group of Christ-followers from many denominations and churches and all walks of life. These women do not claim to have their walk with Christ perfected. They are all just sinners saved by God's amazing Grace, and on an amazing journey in which they are continually walking in faith daily to be like Jesus.

Through It All...God Was There is full of stories of encouragement and hope. There are 82 life stories and testimonies by 29 different authors, most of whom are local! Some of the stories will make you cry tears of sadness; others will make you cry tears of joy. Some will make you laugh; others will just give you that warm, fuzzy feeling inside…but all of the stories will touch your heart. You can find this book in the Connection Bookstore. Once you begin reading it, you will not want to put it down.

Written by Sherri Cleghorn Williams and submitted/edited by Kathy Douglas

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Piercing the Darkness" by Jack Hayford

Learn how to "loose", "bind together", and "intercede" for others and pierce the darkness. Find your power of the Cross against unseen evil.

Be an 'intervener' - circumstances, people, whatever! Hayford gives excellent examples of how the Cross impacted his life and how it can impact yours.

Understand the weapons in your arsenal! Make your own personal battle plan.....Wow - love that.

Later Connection friends!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grace of God by Andy Stanley

"Grace of God' - There are alot of books about Grace, true. But this one talks about 'how we don't deserve it. We can't earn it. It can't be qualified. But God gives it to us anyway because he loves us unconditonally'. Grace didn't begin with Abraham, it didn't even begin with Moses! It certainly didn't BEGIN when Christ died for us - of course to me that's ultimate grace - it began long before the world was formed. Andy Stanley tells 'grace' stories from the Bible - about Joseph and Judah, about the ten commandments, about Joshua, Rahab, Leban, Adam and Eve, the woman at the well...the list goes on. I love this statement in his chapter on Sustained by Grace: 'Fortunately for those of us who have been given much and are thus responsible for much, there is much grace.' Ahh, isn't that a breath of fresh air to the soul?!
After Jesus talks with the woman at the well and Andy Stanley talks about how Jesus opened the woman up and showed her vulnerability, Stanley states, 'Apparently Jesus knew that for the exchange to be complete, He had to dredge up all the old so that it could be replaced once and for all".

Here's a little taste of this great book of stories about hope and the thirst our soul was designed to thirst for: a relationship.