Thursday, February 3, 2011

Center of the Universe, A Look at Life From the Lighter Side, by Bill Johnson

..."a Look at Life From the Lighter Side...."

I was only 5 pages into Bill Johnson’s, “Center of the Universe,” when I thought – this is going to be fun reading: I’m already laughing and I’m only in the second short chapter! I realized, too, that I am NOT the center of the universe, God is… but we are the center of His universe…and we know He is in control. When we try and get things done, jobs accomplished, people changed, it gets really, really screwed up.

Johnson started writing even though he felt unequipped, untalented and not even called. But after ‘encouragement’ from others, he began his writing journey. Don’t we all need encouragement to accomplish anything? The desire to write had been planted in his early life so, of course, if God planted it there, He will equip you and get you encouraged by bringing words from others – and ultimately, naturally and supernaturally, do what God tells you to do.

Short chapters of life…that’s what this book is about! I love it! I can pick it up, set it down and pick it up again and get such wisdom. I particularly like reading it in the lavatory – uh, okay, the bathroom!

When the third microwave dies, all new high-end speakers are defective, the washer and dryer take a hike, the prized hunting dog completely destroys the house, and his first try at mustard greens, Johnson just talks about how he gets through it all and applies scripture to his entire existence.

Through sheer anecdotal evidence, we learn about Pastor Johnson’s parishioners, his kids and grandkids, his relationship to his wife and God. It’s a pleasure.

I didn't read a snippet from this book - you'll just have to go there yourself!! -- Happy Reading!

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