Thursday, December 1, 2011

"The Authority of the Believer," by John A. MacMillan

If you question your authority as a believer, an intercessor, prayer warrior, just plain good Christian saved by grace, this book is for you! MacMillan has actually combined two books in one here. The last half is about demon warfare. MacMillan spent years in the Phillipines where demon possession was rampant.
Not a challenging read, the first half of "The Authority of the Believer," merely confirms everything we've learned at Word Alive about our authority. The devil may have some power, but NO authority!

One statement MacMillan makes about a common phrase heard in the church -- "Lord Willin'" -- made me swing my head around! Awesome!

To learn more and to be thoroughly rooted and grounded in what we've been given as born-again believers, pick up this great instructional by MacMillan today at the Word Alive Bookstore!

Happy Reading!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Commanding Your Morning" by Cindy Trimm

In the first chapter, Ms. Trimm states 'we don't have to go mindlessly groping in the dark for the right path through life. We can take control of our lives and experience divine sucess and prosperity by following God's directions oulined in His Word'.

Read her accounts of, for example, how Jesus' brother, James tells us how to be successful, recounting James 3:2-5, and watching how we speak.

She talks about Ezekiel and how the Lord brought him into the spirit of the Lord.

Trimm reminds of who has control of our battles. Are you in control of your battles? Huh? I think not!!

'Rise early and command your morning' says Trimm - "Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early; For when Your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitatns of the world will learn righteousness." Isaiah 26:9.

And then.......the portal into which we descend...she shows us how to become an overnight sucess!

Happy reading,


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

10 Things Jesus Never Said: And Why We Should Stop Believing Them

Will Davis, Jr., hits it right on the head! (sssh - he's a recovering legalist!!!)

Some of these 'things' Jesus didn't say, I've heard all my life. Wow, what a lie this one is: "This wouldn't be happening if you were a better Christian." Ouch! Have you ever said that? I have and I am convicted of it again even now.

This book also has study guide questions after each chapter. And this....I love this...Jesus has a guest list: all who are tired and burdened. Wow, I'm on his guest list! Awesome.

What about this lie? "It's okay not to love certain people." ooh, that got me right in the gut.

Learn truth from lies in Davis' easy-reading book, "10 Things Jesus Never Said." He tells real-life stories about trust vs. lie - truth always wins out. Our/His Word is truth.

The other day a lady I work with said, "Well, you know - whatever goes around comes around." I stopped for a minute - almost had it out of my mouth to agree, when out came this: 'Ann, that's not even Biblical.' The truth will always set you free, right? She meant something else, but that lie we hear every day, don't you?

Just because I was a sorry Christian for several years of my life, doesn't mean that sorry things are going to happen to me and that I am sorry now. I'm born again! I have the promises of God Who is our Defender?

Jesus never said, "I'm so disappointed in you." Wow, that one hit me like a brick. For 17 or more years, I never went to church because I really did think He didn't love me anymore, and that He was disappointed in me. Man will lie, man will be disappointed - but God is not a man that He would lie! He's God! He loves us unconditionally. He's our Defender. He's our Provider. He's our Peace, and so much more. Who hooo!

Here's an excerpt from Chapter 3: "Im So Disappointed in You." The Lie: You are constantly letting God down. With every new day, he has a fresh and full slate of hopes and dreams for your life., but by the end of each day, he's facing the ugly reality that you've failed to be all that he hoped you would. Once again you haven't lived up to God's expectations.
If you think about that last statement, the reasoning does make sense. Davis says, "We're human and sinful...BUT -- the Truth is: God has never been disappointed in you. Not once ever. The emotion of disappointment is something that he can never feel. Our enemy, the devil, is skilled at painting a picture of God as the brokenhearted--or worse, angry--deity who has been failed one time too many by us. But that simply isn't true. God has never been and never will be disappointed with you. Let's find out why. Now you need to finish reading this chapter to conclusively know that you know that you know -- God is never going to be disappointed in you!! Yaay!
I know from listening to Pastor Kent that God is not up in heaven wringing his hands saying, "Oh Me, there she goes again--I'm so worried about her!"

God's knowledge is limitless. God's mind is infinite. God doesn't just know it, he created it!

Get your copy today in the Connection Bookstore at WAIO!
Happy Reading.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer

Pastor Bev Mattox uses Ms. Shirer's book, "Discerning the Voice of God," in her Friday morning studies.

Learning to hear His voice...listening in the to hear Him. What do you do when you think you've heard His voice? Does He only talk? What does He sound like?

This is a fascinating study and a chance to get closer to your God....the God of wonders and majesty and that He loves you so much He'll speak to you!

Get your copy today in the Connection Bookstore!

Happy reading...

Monday, September 5, 2011

NOT a Fan by Kyle Idleman

Kyle Idleman took me on a journey - about fans and followers. Nicodemus was a fan, then a follower. The prostitute who washed Jesus' feet with her tears and dried his feet with her hair was a follower. She was committed. What are you?
Is He one of many or your one and only? Do you have your Jesus pin, a fish decal on the back of our car, your Bible in one hand and a colored pencil or highlighter in another? Are you a church goer or a participant? Idleman poses lots of thought-provoking questions and gives wonderful examples of followers and fans.
Not a Fan is about who Jesus is; it's about DTR - Determining the Relationship! Are you following Jesus or following the rules? Ouch.
Read about true followers in Matthew. Read about how we can become totally committed and not just a follower. Not a Fan helps you define your relationship with Jesus.
There are great examples of those that are not fans. Short stories about followers grip you and grab you.
Kent will be talking alot about this work by Idleman in the weeks to come. And we'll all be studying it in our small groups. Pick up a copy today in the Connection Bookstore!

Happy Reading...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Always Enough" - God's Miraculous Provision Among the Poorest Children on Earth by Rolland & Heidi Baker

Okay, I've read only 35 pages of this "hopeful" story of Rolland and Heidi Baker's heart for the poor...then I had to lay it down and thank God for all that I have and to be contrite. I am thankful, too, for Rolland and Heidi Baker who have such great faith and offer so much hope and provision through the Lord's work in them to so many.

Here's just an exerpt: 'There was Harry, with his blood-stained knife, who had run away from an alcoholic rehab center but who found the joy of the Lord. Christina, a venomous, bitter lady on crutches, became a compassionate angel of mercy who would do anything to help people. Malcolm, a crippled alcoholic and diabetic, found his home in Jesus and among our London family. David, who had murdered his ex-wife's boyfriend and then joined the Foreign Legion so he could k ill as many more people as possible, mellowed out under the power of the Holy Spirit. Peter tried to kill himself four times, but jesus let us rescue him from death and hell itself.'

This blogger does not have a ready heart for missions, but does know that there is a mission trip in her life someday soon.

If you love reading about hope; about Jesus' and his love for everyone - read this. If you have a heart for missions - read this.

Bless you...I'm picking it back up now.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Destined to Reign, Joseph Prince

Joseph Prince says, "The secret to effortless success, wholeness and victorious living," because we ARE destined to reign. Why? Let's take a closer look:
If you're going through some challenges right now and, let's face it, we all do - you might ask yourself, ' how can the blood of Jesus bring me healing, prosperity and victory in my marriage?'

Prince gives example after example of how Jesus' blood constantly - that's all the time - 24/7 - cleansed of all your sins. He says, 'once you believe that all your sins are indeed forgiven and that God does not hold anything against you, faith will spring forth.' That's awesome!!

Jesus is pure Grace! Prince says be hot or cold, but not lukewarm. He goes on to tell us how to do that.

Destined to Reign is a great book to increase your faith and build you up. Give it a try next time you're in the Connection Bookstore!!

Until next time readers...