Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Commanding Your Morning" by Cindy Trimm

In the first chapter, Ms. Trimm states 'we don't have to go mindlessly groping in the dark for the right path through life. We can take control of our lives and experience divine sucess and prosperity by following God's directions oulined in His Word'.

Read her accounts of, for example, how Jesus' brother, James tells us how to be successful, recounting James 3:2-5, and watching how we speak.

She talks about Ezekiel and how the Lord brought him into the spirit of the Lord.

Trimm reminds of who has control of our battles. Are you in control of your battles? Huh? I think not!!

'Rise early and command your morning' says Trimm - "Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early; For when Your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitatns of the world will learn righteousness." Isaiah 26:9.

And then.......the portal into which we descend...she shows us how to become an overnight sucess!

Happy reading,