Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Always Enough" - God's Miraculous Provision Among the Poorest Children on Earth by Rolland & Heidi Baker

Okay, I've read only 35 pages of this "hopeful" story of Rolland and Heidi Baker's heart for the poor...then I had to lay it down and thank God for all that I have and to be contrite. I am thankful, too, for Rolland and Heidi Baker who have such great faith and offer so much hope and provision through the Lord's work in them to so many.

Here's just an exerpt: 'There was Harry, with his blood-stained knife, who had run away from an alcoholic rehab center but who found the joy of the Lord. Christina, a venomous, bitter lady on crutches, became a compassionate angel of mercy who would do anything to help people. Malcolm, a crippled alcoholic and diabetic, found his home in Jesus and among our London family. David, who had murdered his ex-wife's boyfriend and then joined the Foreign Legion so he could k ill as many more people as possible, mellowed out under the power of the Holy Spirit. Peter tried to kill himself four times, but jesus let us rescue him from death and hell itself.'

This blogger does not have a ready heart for missions, but does know that there is a mission trip in her life someday soon.

If you love reading about hope; about Jesus' and his love for everyone - read this. If you have a heart for missions - read this.

Bless you...I'm picking it back up now.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Destined to Reign, Joseph Prince

Joseph Prince says, "The secret to effortless success, wholeness and victorious living," because we ARE destined to reign. Why? Let's take a closer look:
If you're going through some challenges right now and, let's face it, we all do - you might ask yourself, ' how can the blood of Jesus bring me healing, prosperity and victory in my marriage?'

Prince gives example after example of how Jesus' blood constantly - that's all the time - 24/7 - cleansed of all your sins. He says, 'once you believe that all your sins are indeed forgiven and that God does not hold anything against you, faith will spring forth.' That's awesome!!

Jesus is pure Grace! Prince says be hot or cold, but not lukewarm. He goes on to tell us how to do that.

Destined to Reign is a great book to increase your faith and build you up. Give it a try next time you're in the Connection Bookstore!!

Until next time readers...